FogBugz Search works pretty much as you expect: you type your search terms in the box, and click Search.
You can go directly to any case number by typing just a number.
You can set up FogBugz as a search provider in your browser. Click Extras and Install Search Engine. This allows you to search in FogBugz directly from the search box in the top right corner of your web browser.
Any search can be saved as a filter, either by clicking on the disk icon in the Search Tools box in the upper right corner of the results page, or from the Filters menu.
FogBugz will initially return a maximum of 45 case results or 10 wiki or discussion group results, sorted by relevance, with a link to "List all" to see the rest of the results.
FogBugz also supports advanced search queries.
apple peach | searches for items containing both apple and peach |
apple OR peach | searches for items containing either apple or peach |
"apple peach" | searches for items containing the phrase apple peach |
apple -peach | searches for items containing apple but not containing peach |
pear* | Searches for items containing words that start with pear. Can take a long time. |
Use axis:query to search specific fields. title:pear will find everything with the word pear in the title. -title:pear will find everything without the word pear in the title.
You can also combine axes with Boolean queries and parentheses. newfeature (assignedto:Tester1 OR assignedto:Tester2) (resolvedby:Developer1 OR resolvedby:Developer2) will return all cases that mention newfeature that have been resolved by either Developer1 or Developer2 that are currently assigned to Tester1 or Tester2.
Note that OR has a lower priority than the implied AND, so assignedto:Tester1 OR assignedto:Tester2 resolvedby:Developer1 will return all cases assigned to Tester1 as well as cases that are both assigned to Tester2 and resolved by Developer1. To get the result of cases resolved by Developer1 that are assigned to Tester1 or Tester2, use parentheses: (assignedto:Tester1 OR assignedto:Tester2) resolvedby:Developer1
Combining action: and actionby: axes (e.g. edited/editedby, or opened/openedby) has a special behavior, where the FogBugz searcher links the two searches. For instance, in the case of editedby:me edited:today, FogBugz will return only cases that I edited today, rather than the strict intersection which would be the cases I edited at some point which were also edited by somebody (not necessarily me) today. If you want to search for a case edited by more than one person, please use the syntax of editedby:me alsoeditedby:michael.
Use the type axis to specify what type of documents you wish to search. type:case will search for cases, type:wiki will search for wiki pages, and type:discuss will search for discussion topics. If you use a search axis such as edited that applies to all types of documents, FogBugz will return a summary of search results organized by document type.
You can search dates and date ranges (use .. to indicate date ranges). Here are some date search examples:
edited:"March 2007" | everything modified during the month of March 2007 |
edited:"3/26/2007" | everything modified on March 26, 2007 |
edited:"March 2007..June 2007" | everything modified during the months of March through June in 2007 |
edited:"3-26-2007..6-8-2007" | everything modified between March 26, 2007 and June 8, 2007, inclusive |
edited:"today" | everything modified today |
edited:"last Thursday" | everything modified on the Thursday of the previous week |
resolved:"last month" | everything resolved in the previous calendar month |
resolved:"this week" | everything resolved between Sunday of the current week and today |
due:"" | everything that is past due or due today |
due:"tomorrow" | everything due tomorrow |
due:"next week" | everything due from next Sunday through the following Saturday |
In general, an axis can be formed from the title of any column in the grid view by removing the spaces e.g. the "Assigned To" column becomes the "assignedto:" axis. To find out what possible values are available for a given axis, add the corresponding column to the grid view of a filter and see what values are listed.
AlsoEditedBy | cases edited by the specified user, to be used in combination with EditedBy |
Area | cases in the specified area |
AssignedTo | cases assigned to the specified user |
Attachment | cases with an attachment with the specified name |
Category | cases with the specified category |
Client | cases belonging to the specified client |
Closed | (date) cases closed on the date specified |
ClosedBy | cases last closed by the specified user |
Computer | cases containing specific text in the second custom field. Note that this field may have been renamed in your installation. |
Correspondent | cases with the specified email correspondent |
CreatedBy | cases created by the specified user |
Department | cases belonging to the specified department |
Due | (date) cases due on the date specified |
Edited | (date) cases modified on the date specified |
EditedBy | cases edited by the specified user |
ElapsedTime | cases with the specified (range of) elapsed time |
EstimateCurrent | cases with the specified (range of) current estimate e.g. EstimateCurrent:"..2h" would show all cases with less than 2 hours of estimated work remaining. |
EstimateOriginal | cases with the specified (range of) original estimate |
FixFor | equivalent to Release |
From | cases with emails from the specified email address |
LastEdited | (date) cases that were modified on the date specified and have not been modified since then |
LastEditedBy | cases last edited by the specified user |
LastViewed | (date) cases that you last viewed on the date specified |
Occurrences | Number of occurrences for a BugzScout case |
Opened | (date) cases opened on the date specified |
OpenedBy | cases last opened or reopened by the specified user |
OrderBy | this takes another axis as its argument and sorts the search results by that axis e.g. "OrderBy:FixFor OrderBy:Priority" will sort the search results first by FixFor, and then by Priority. |
Priority | cases with the specified priority |
Project | cases in the specified project |
RelatedTo | cases that are linked to the specified case |
Release | cases assigned to be fixed for the specified release |
RemainingTime | cases with the specified (range of) original estimate |
Resolved | (date) cases resolved on the date specified |
ResolvedBy | cases last resolved by the specified user |
Show | cases with the specified attribute (Read, Unread, Subscribed or Spam) |
StarredBy | starredby:me shows cases you have starred. |
Status | cases with the specified status |
Title | cases containing the specified words in the title |
To | cases with email to the specified email address |
Version | cases containing specific text in the first custom field. Note that this field may have been renamed in your installation. |
ViewedBy | viewedby:me shows cases you have previously viewed. |
Edited | (date) wiki pages that were modified on the date specified |
EditedBy | wiki pages edited by the specified user |
LastEdited | (date) wiki pages that were modified on the date specified and have not been modified since then |
LastEditedBy | wiki pages last edited by the specified user |
LastViewed | (date) wiki pages that you last viewed on the date specified |
Show | wiki pages with the specified attribute (Read, Unread or Subscribed) |
StarredBy | starredby:me shows wiki pages you have starred. |
Title | Finds wiki pages containing the specified words in the title |
ViewedBy | viewedby:me shows wiki pages you have previously viewed. |
Wiki | wiki pages in the specified wiki |
CreatedBy | topics created by the specified user |
DiscussionGroup | topics in the specified discussion group |
Edited | (date) topics that were modified on the date specified |
EditedBy | topics edited by the specified user |
LastEdited | (date) topics modified on the date specified and which have not been modified since then |
LastEditedBy | topics last edited by the specified user |
LastViewed | (date) topics that you last viewed on the date specified |
Opened | (date) topics opened on the date specified |
Show | topics with the specified attribute (Read or Unread) |
StarredBy | starredby:me shows topics you have starred. |
Title | topics containing the specified words in the title |
Type | type:case for cases, type:wiki for wiki pages, type:discuss for discussion topics |
ViewedBy | viewedby:me shows topics you have previously viewed. |
For performance and search quality, FogBugz has its own full-text search engine, based on Apache's Lucene.NET.
FogBugz builds its index in the background, and updates it frequently. However:
Go to Settings | Site and click on the Search tab to see the status of the index, and what percentage of your database is indexed.
On rare occasions when the index is not available or missing large amounts of data, FogBugz starts re-indexing with the most recently updated cases first, in an attempt to get the most relevant cases into the index as soon as possible.